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FindSurface SDK 2018

Our Technology

CurvSurf develops and distributes real-time 3D object/geometry recognition, measurement, and extraction SDK for 3D imaging/measurement applications for tablets, mobile and 3D scanning devices. Unlike many solutions, CurvSurf’s FindSurface, using innovative geometric abstract based algorithm, can handle 3D image processing in dynamic real world environment with significantly faster speed.

By using FindSurface, users can rapidly develop solutions for automated 3D geometry recognition, measurement and tracking applications. Its fully automated object detection and parameter estimation software can create clear images with accurate dimensional measurements instantly from large volume of image data in unordered, incomplete and error-contaminated point cloud. Our solution enables point cloud data from Cameras, UAV, Satellite, Aerial & Industrial Scanners, Robots and Handheld devices to automatically extract 2D/3D primitives in real time.

This is a revolutionary technology that can be extended to a robust perception technology for pre-defined object identification and localization with “human-like” robustness.

Supported geometric features are Cuboid, Plane, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, and Torus with geometric parameters such as 3D position, Orientation, Size, Radius, Volume, and etc. Applications include Reverse Engineering, AR (Augmented Reality), Robot Vision, Logistic Managements, Deep Learning, Collision Avoidance, UAV, Autonomous Car, and any 3D object recognition applications which needs “Human-Like” robust perception.

The core architecture consists of three algorithmic modules, allowing for object identification, point segmentation, and model fitting. Orthogonal distance fitting (ODF) algorithms estimate the model parameters by minimizing the sum of the squares of the minimum distances between the model feature and the measurement points. Curvature analysis of the local quadratic surfaces fitted to small patches of point cloud provide the necessary seed information for automatic model selection, point segmentation, and model fitting.

Logistics Applications
3D object recognition, FindSurface

CurvSurf Introduction

HoloLens: Feature Extraction
by Voice Commands

HoloLens Spatial Mapping Points
with Cylinder Extraction

Our Products

Curvsurf offers a variety of software solutions for your specific needs. We utilize groundbreaking, abstract-based geometric algorithms to estimate a shape’s proportions based on a recognizable shape in REAL-TIME.




Our Partners

About Us

Sung Joon Ahn, Ph.D

Chief Executive Officer & CTO

With more than 25 years of critical technical roles and R&D experience, Dr. Ahn founded CurvSurf USA and R&D center with a key focus on ensuring successful leadership for CurvSurf’s rapidly-growing, global customer community.

Dr. Ahn received his BS degree in mechanical design and production engineering from Seoul National University in 1985. He received his MS degree in production engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1987. He worked as a junior research scientist at the LG Electronics R&D center from 1987 to 1990. From 1991, he worked as a research scientist for the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA) in Stuttgart, Germany and recived his Ph.D. in 2004. From 2005 to 2013, he worked for Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea. Dr. Ahn has made remarkable breakthroughs in pattern recognition, optical 3D-measurement, close-range photogrammetry, camera calibration, and 3D-information processing. His expertise allowed him to establish CurvSurf in 2016, where he currently heads the firm as CEO and CTO.

Sung Ho Moon, Ph.D

Chief Strategy Officer & VP of Business Operations, Development, and Marketing

As Co-founder of CurvSurf USA, Dr. Moon has over 20 years of experience in implementing proven business strategies, providing management expertise to meet objectives, and improving the bottom line. He is also an expert in the design and delivery of 3D metrology solutions, successful technical consultations, and applications addressing complex metrology problems.

He graduated from George Washington University, where he received his MS (1994) & Ph.D. (1999) in Computer-Aided Design and Mechanical Engineering. He has authored numerous papers on CMM measurements, 3 Dimensional volumetric error mapping, compensations, probe compensation methods, and large volume measurement methods. He has spent 16+ years as a senior product/project manager of product design and development, 9+ years in a project management role, and 6+ years in marketing. He has managed a wide range of regions, including Germany, France, China, Japan, Korea, India, and the USA. Before co-founding CurvSurf, he worked for Automated Precision Inc. as a General Manager, Director of Business Developments & Operations.

JinGyu Choi

Principal Engineer

He started his career as a “human factor” and “3D data processing” research engineer with KETI (Korea Electronics Technology Institute) in 2010. Working under the R&D center senior members, he developed a Gesture Recognition solution by using a vision system. Utilizing his academic and professional knowledge, he dedicated 4 years with DigiCAP Co. Ltd. While working in the capacity of Mobile Solution Development Engineer (MSDE). He graduated from Sungkyungkwan University, where he received his BS (2009) in computer engineering and Master (2011) in electronic-electrical-computer engineering. He is pursuing higher degree (Ph. D.) and is currently work as a principal engineer with CurvSurf, inc.

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